Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

Our Services

What is a TT (Telegraphic Transfer)

In today's financial systems, the term “telegraphic transfer” (TT) serves as an anachronistic remnant, implying nowadays rapid fund transfers. Although traditional telegraphic transfers are now obsolete, the term has come to signify transactions carried out over modern bank electronic networks. The most prominent methods include SWIFT Instant and SWIFT gpi, featuring Unique End-to-end Transaction References (UETR), as well as Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems (RTGS) through Central Bank Systems. 

In the energy sector, especially in the petroleum industry, rapid and secure transactions are crucial due to the volatile nature of commodity prices, the international scope and speed necessary to take over the ownership documents of cargo, etc. during commercial trading activities. TT Transfers via methods like SWIFT Instant, SWIFT gpi, or RTGS ensure that payments can be made swiftly and securely, which is of paramount importance in these high-stake transactions. In the energy sector, the “TT” terminology is often utilized within international petroleum contracts.